likes on Instagram

How to get more likes on Instagram?


How to get more likes on Instagram? What should be published? How often ? Whether it’s community management advice or key points for success on social media, we’ll see together everything you need to remember to receive likes from your followers on Instagram.

The objective is to obtain a high rate of engagement. The latter refers to the number of likes, comments, shares, saves, etc. It allows to judge the interactions of the subscribers with the shared content. An account with a high engagement rate is considered qualitative. Moreover, having more likes on Instagram increases the chances of getting brand partnerships. It is therefore essential to put in place an effective long-term strategy! This is why it is important to understand how Instagram works beforehand to establish a strategy on this social network. Indeed, if you do not bring added value to your followers through your posts, there is no need to go further.

Let’s get to the heart of the matter, here are our 5 tips to get more likes on Instagram for free.

Take care of your Instagram feed

Instagram is a social network dedicated to visuals, so photos are the central element of an account. That’s why having a beautiful Instagram feed should be your priority. It is recommended to harmonize your Instagram gallery in order to offer a uniform feed. In general, you can post in high definition, apply filters, use the same light when shooting, do some editing…

Care must be taken to capture the attention of visitors at a glance. For this, you don’t need to be a photographer or have a nice digital camera, an application for Instagram publication available on a smartphone guarantees you professional quality. It allows you to edit your photos quickly to enrich your newsfeed with eye-catching content. All you have to do is choose one of the many templates, customize it to your liking, and simply share it.

Post regularly at set times

Posting to Instagram on a regular basis is a great way to get likes on Instagram. By being active on your account, you keep your subscribers engaged. In addition, Instagram’s algorithm makes you gain visibility with many users by suggesting your posts. This is one of the 10 ways to get more followers on your pro account .

In addition, posting at fixed times allows your audience to have benchmarks. She can then anticipate your next post and will be able to not miss the appointment.

Be careful not to post too many photos at once. Share your photos sparingly, as followers don’t always bother to look at them one by one. Choose enriching publications related to your theme. No need to share everything that comes to mind. It is better to bet on the quality rather than the quantity of the photos to get more likes.

Promote interactions with followers for more likes

It is very useful to know when your followers are the most active to publish on Instagram. Indeed, you can publish the most attractive photo in the world at midnight and no one will like it. You should know that most of the activity around your publications happens in the first hours. To do this, you have to identify the best times to share your publications.

While there’s no exact answer (it all depends on what times your audience is active), it’s strongly advised to post on weekdays to have the most impact as users tune in to Instagram before or after work. Therefore, in the morning around 9 a.m. and in the early evening, between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Lunch time is also recommended.

Interact with your followers

Forging a strong bond with your subscribers is essential today to increase likes on Instagram. Don’t hesitate to encourage interactions with your community through stories, IGTV, surveys, quizzes, contests…

We note that integrating Instagram stories into your content strategy remains the simplest and most effective way to interact with your followers. This allows you to create an immediate and sincere bond. Subscribers are then motivated to like the publications. This is the best way to increase your notoriety provided that you work on it upstream.

Use Hash tags

A Hashtag (#) is a keyword preceded by the symbol # that Internet users use in the description of their publications on social networks. They allow other users to access content relating to the keyword without being a “follower” of the person who uses it. Positioning yourself on the most popular hashtags is therefore a good way to get more likes. However, also position yourself on low volume hashtags to be a reference in these niche sectors.

As you will have understood, getting more likes on Instagram is not that easy. The most important thing to remember is to provide quality content on a regular basis that will be seen and appreciated by your followers.

Currently the fastest growing social network with 1 billion monthly active users . It is now an integral part of the consumer buying journey and helps or influences them in their purchasing decisions . It is therefore wise to know some tips to attract your target and maximize engagement around your brand.

If you want to know more about setting up a digital strategy and in particular the use of social networks , download our free guide .